UNIX and Linux Essentials


This UNIX and Linux Essentials course is designed for users and administrators who are new to the Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle Linux operating systems. It will help you develop the basic UNIX skills needed to interact comfortably and confidently with the operating system.

Learn To:

  • Manage files and directories from the command line to performing remote connections and file transfers.
  • Perform more advanced tasks in the Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux operating systems.
  • Use advanced shell features in shell scripts.
  • Archive files and perform remote file transfer.
  • Use commands within the default shell.
  • View and modify file and directory permissions.

Benefits to You

Ensure fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance. Optimize database workloads, lower IT costs and deliver a higher quality of service by enabling consolidation onto database clouds.

Gain Hands-On Experience

This course will give you intensive, hands-on experience. The end goal is to prepare users and administrators to perform more advanced tasks in the Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux operating systems.

Vorteile und Voraussetzungen


Ensure fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance. Optimize database workloads, lower IT costs and deliver a higher quality of service by enabling consolidation onto database clouds.

Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

  • Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I DBA

In diesem Kurs werden die Kursteilnehmer in der Verwaltung von Oracle Database 11g geschult. Der Kurs ist Ihr erster Schritt auf dem Weg zum erfolgreichen Oracle-Spezialisten. Sie erwerben eine solide Basis für die Ausführung grundlegender Datenbank-Verwaltungsaufgaben. Kursteilnehmer lernen die Architektur kennen und erfahren, wie die Datenbankkomponenten zusammenarbeiten und interagieren. Sie lernen darüber hinaus, wie eine Oracle-Datenbank installiert und verwaltet wird. Im Kurs werden die wichtigsten Features und Weiterentwicklungen von Oracle Database 11g, Release 1 und Release 2, behandelt.

  • Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I

This Database 11g Administration training gives you a firm foundation in basic database administration, including how to install and maintain an Oracle database. Learn about architecture and how the database components work and interact.

  • Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration Ed 5

The Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration training expands your mastery of the enterprise-level Oracle Solaris 11.3 operating system. You are presented with complex and integrated administration concepts, supported by an intensive hands-on experience.

  • Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration

Mit dem Kurs „Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration“ vertiefen Sie Ihre Kenntnisse des Enterprise-Level-Betriebssystems Oracle Solaris 11. Sie lernen komplexe und integrierte Verwaltungskonzepte kennen und wenden diese Kenntnisse in ausführlichen praktischen Übungen an.

  • Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration Ed 4

Mit dem Kurs „Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration“ vertiefen Sie Ihre Kenntnisse des Enterprise-Level-Betriebssystems Oracle Solaris 11. Sie lernen komplexe und integrierte Verwaltungskonzepte kennen und wenden diese Kenntnisse in ausführlichen praktischen Übungen an.

  • Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration

The Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration training expands your mastery of the enterprise-level Oracle Solaris 11 operating system. Learn complex & integrated administration concepts through an intensive hands-on experience.


  • Introduction to UNIX
  • Working with Files and Directories
  • Using the vi Editor
  • Using Commands within the Default Shell
  • Using Basic File Permissions
  • Performing Basic Process Control
  • Using Advanced Shell Features in Shell Scripts
  • Archiving Files and Performing Remote Transfer


  • View and modify file and directory permissions
  • Describe the UNIX operating system
  • Work with files and directories
  • Use the vi editor to create and modify files
  • Use commands within the default shell
  • Manage processes
  • Use advanced shell features in shell scripts
  • Archive files and perform remote file transfer




Startdatum 05.08.2020 - 08:00
Enddatum 07.08.2020 - 00:30
Anmeldungsende 01.08.2020 - 00:30
Netto Einzelpreis € 1.335,00
Speaker Englisch
Number Hours 02:30 - 10:30
Kurs-Nr. D76989-UNIX-and-Linux-Essentials-lvc